My Invoice Finance

We search and compare over 40 of the leading finance providers, giving you a minimum of 2 suitable funders with the most competitive finance packages.

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Why My Invoice Finance?

Invoice Finance

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Business Finance

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Case Studies

We’ve helped many businesses with a variety of solutions. Take a look at a selection of our case studies.

builder wearing tool belt

Subcontractor – Building Industry

Turnover: £1.5M per annum

Finance Amount: £250,000

Type of Finance: Confidential construction finance facility to subcontractor in building industry 

Advance Rate: Application funded pre QS sign off at 60%. Limited personal guarantees only. 

Result: Increased funding and saving of over £10,000 on fees charges by previous finance provider.


people at table writing post-it notes

Training Provider

Turnover: £750,000 per annum

Finance Amount: £100,000

Type of Finance: Selective Invoice Finance

Advance Rate: 90%

Result: No contract and no ongoing commitments, can use as and when needed. Currently funding £100,000 at a one off cost of 2%.


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0800 009 6106